Dentures in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

At Gardens Dental Spa, we design partial or complete dentures for patients depending on the number of teeth that need to be restored. We’ll take impressions and measurements of your jaw during your appointment. The impressions will be sent to our dental laboratory, where your custom denture will be fabricated.  

In the meantime, you’ll be fitted with a set of temporary dentures to wear until your final set is ready. When your new denture arrives from the lab, you will return to our office so the dentist can adjust the fit and ensure the denture feels as comfortable as possible. Getting used to speaking and eating with your new dentures may take some time. 

Gardens Dental Spa

Types of Dentures

Full Denture

A complete denture replaces all the teeth on the top or bottom arch. This type of denture consists of an acrylic base colored to resemble natural gums and artificial teeth. A full upper or lower denture is easy to maintain and clean and a convenient solution for tooth loss.

Partial Denture

A partial denture is made to replace one or more missing natural teeth. It is removable and uses clasps or attachments placed on the adjacent natural teeth to hold them in place. A partial denture can be an effective alternative to a bridge or other restorative treatments.

The Benefits of Dentures

  • Improved appearance
  • Easier eating and speaking
  • Increased confidence
  • Preserves remaining natural teeth by keeping them in place
  • Less expensive than dental implants
  • Can be attached to implants to improve support and stability

Denture Care

Once you’ve received your dentures, you can care for them by brushing them daily to remove food particles and prevent stains from forming on the surface. You should also soak them in a denture-cleaning solution or water overnight to keep them clean and prevent them from drying out. Never use bleach or cleaning products containing acids on your dentures because they will damage them.

Because they are removable, dentures should be handled carefully to prevent breakage. If you drop them, they could break or become damaged. Proper cleaning and storage are also essential to maintain the life of your dentures. Keep your dentures in a safe place when you’re not wearing them and away from pets and children who might damage them. 

Certain foods can damage dentures, so avoid hard foods like popcorn kernels, nuts, and ice. Cut your food into small pieces and eat slowly while chewing on both sides of your mouth equally. Hot beverages can also warp the acrylic of your dentures; try drinking through a straw to limit the heat that touches them. See our dentist for regular checkups every six months to ensure your dentures are still fitting correctly.

To learn more about the benefits of dentures, call Gardens Dental Spa at (561) 799-7791 or visit us at 11380 Prosperity Farms Rd #108, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.


11380 Prosperity Farms Rd #108,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Office Hours

MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 4:00 pm

WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed