Dental Crowns in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

A dental crown is a restoration that fits over your entire tooth, covering the visible part above the gum line. It is used for restoring a tooth that has been fractured, significantly weakened, or has a large filling. In some cases, a crown may be placed only for cosmetic reasons, to enhance the appearance of a tooth.  

In addition to protecting the tooth and making it more aesthetically pleasing, a crown can also improve your ability to chew and speak properly. When properly made and placed, your crown will comfortably fit over your tooth and restore it to full function. Getting a crown can improve the appearance of your smile and help you feel confident and attractive. 

The Procedure for Dental Crowns

First, your dentist will completely numb the tooth and the surrounding area. Your dentist will then prepare the tooth receiving the crown by removing the decay. Then, they will shape your tooth so a crown can fit over it and have a sound bite. A mold of your tooth will be made and sent to the lab so they can create a crown that matches your tooth’s size, shape, and color. The lab typically takes one to two weeks to complete your custom-fitted permanent crown. Once your crown is ready, you’ll return to your dentist’s office to have it placed. When your new crown is in place, it should feel comfortable and natural in your mouth. It’s the perfect option for restoring your smile! Brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist twice yearly for routine exams and cleanings are all essential for preventing gum disease and keeping your smile healthy.

The Procedure for Dental Crowns

First, our dentist will completely numb the tooth and the surrounding area. The dentist will then prepare the tooth receiving the crown by removing any decayed parts. Then, they will shape your tooth so that the crown can fit over it. An impression of your tooth will be made and sent to the lab so they can create a crown that perfectly matches your tooth’s size, shape, and color, and you will be fitted with a temporary crown.

The lab typically takes one to two weeks to complete your custom-fitted permanent crown. Once your crown is ready, you’ll return to our dental office to have it placed. Once your new crown is in place, it should feel comfortable and natural in your mouth.

Once the procedure is complete, continue to brush twice daily, floss daily, and visit our dentist twice yearly for routine exams and cleanings as these habits are essential for preventing gum disease and keeping your smile healthy.

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • Crowns protect weak or damaged teeth from further decay or damage and keep them healthy and functioning properly.
  • Crowns can also be used as a cosmetic solution as they can improve your smile's appearance by covering teeth that are significantly discolored or misshapen. Dental crowns can also restore the look of teeth that have minor chips or other imperfections.
  • Crowns are custom-made to look like natural teeth and restore proper chewing function so you can eat comfortably.
  • Crowns are also used for supporting a bridge or covering a dental implant when the natural teeth are missing. 

To learn more about the benefits of dental crowns, call Gardens Dental Spa at (561) 799-7791 or visit us at 11380 Prosperity Farms Rd #108, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.


11380 Prosperity Farms Rd #108,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Office Hours

MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 4:00 pm

WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed